InsidePractice Presents
Navigating the Partner Compensation Equation
An exploration of the changing face of partner compensation and how law firms are adapting incentives to better weather market disruption and economic uncertainty.
An exploration of the changing face of partner compensation and how law firms are adapting incentives to better weather market disruption and economic uncertainty.
Annual meeting of the leaders of Meritas member law firms
ARK National Summit on Law Firm Operations offers critical information on strategy, innovation, technology, and more to law firm operations professionals.
An off-the-record, peer-driven online workshop exploring the changing face of partner compensation and how to adapt in times of disruption
An interactive and peer-driven “fishbowl” session that delves into the influence of profitability metrics on a lawyer’s business development workflow.
An off-the-record, peer-driven workshop exploring the changing face of partner compensation and how to adapt in times of disruption
An off-the-record, peer-driven workshop exploring the changing face of partner
How to be ready for when lawyers retire — or not! Plus a discussion of other legal market changes and how law firms can adapt and thrive.
As the legal marketplace evolves, lawyers are learning that their real competition may come from within
Tim Corcoran will share insights about the current state of pricing in the legal industry and how firms are addressing clients’ requests for greater value and predictability.
Adapting compensation and resource allocation strategies to meet a rapidly changing legal landscape
An exploration of the changing face of partner compensation and how law firms are adapting incentives to better weather market disruption and economic uncertainty.
Annual meeting of the leaders of Meritas member law firms
ARK National Summit on Law Firm Operations offers critical information on strategy, innovation, technology, and more to law firm operations professionals.
An off-the-record, peer-driven online workshop exploring the changing face of partner compensation and how to adapt in times of disruption
An interactive and peer-driven “fishbowl” session that delves into the influence of profitability metrics on a lawyer’s business development workflow.
An off-the-record, peer-driven workshop exploring the changing face of partner compensation and how to adapt in times of disruption
An off-the-record, peer-driven workshop exploring the changing face of partner
How to be ready for when lawyers retire — or not! Plus a discussion of other legal market changes and how law firms can adapt and thrive.
As the legal marketplace evolves, lawyers are learning that their real competition may come from within
Tim Corcoran will share insights about the current state of pricing in the legal industry and how firms are addressing clients’ requests for greater value and predictability.
Adapting compensation and resource allocation strategies to meet a rapidly changing legal landscape
Suffolk Law School, Boston, March 2018: “Introduction to Project Management”
American Lawyer Business of Law Forum, New York, January 2018: "From Hiring to Billing: Digging Into Core Firm Management Issues"
Ackert Advisory, Managing Partner Roundtable webinar, December 2017: "Trends in Partner Compensation"
Ark Group and Legal Lean Sigma Institute, Chicago, December 2017: “White Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
ICON Australia & New Zealand Conference, Sydney, October 2017: "Data-driven Marketing: the Path to Relevance"
Beaton Live, Independent Law Firm Forum, Sydney, October 2017
Association of Legal Administrators, East Regional Conference, Nashville, October 2017: “Legal Lean Sigma Institute White Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
Association of Legal Administrators, Finance Conference, Chicago, October 2017: "Measuring the ROI of Investments in Project Management, Process Improvement, and Pricing"
Legal Lean Sigma Institute, Boston, October 2017: “Yellow Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
Legal Marketing Association Midwest Tech Conference, Chicago, September 2017: "Moving from Art to Science: Incorporating metrics to drive business development and marketing priorities"
Prodonovich Advisory, Sydney, September 2017: "Ideas for growing traditional legal practices"
Australian Legal Practice Management Association (ALPMA) Summit, Brisbane, September 2017: "Incentivising the New Normal"
Association of Legal Administrators, West Regional Conference, Las Vegas, September 2017: “Legal Lean Sigma Institute White Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
Legal Lean Sigma Institute, Charlotte, July 2017: “Yellow Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
Beaton Live, Sydney, Australia, May 2017: “CMO Roundtable”
Legal Marketing Association, Chicago City Group, May 2017: “The Science of Business Development”
Legal Marketing Association, P3 Conference, Chicago, May 2017: “Building a Sustainable P3 Culture”
University of Denver Sturm School of Law, Denver, April 2017: “Introduction to P3”
Association of Legal Administrators Annual Conference, Denver, April 2017: “ALA 101 for Service Providers”
Suffolk Law School, Boston, March 2017: “Connecting the Dots: The Evolution of the Practice of Law”
Legal Marketing Association, Annual Conference, Las Vegas, March 2017: "Legal Lean Sigma Institute White Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
Legal Marketing Association, Midwest Region CMO SIG, Chicago, February 2017: “Lessons Learned in Building a Legal Project Management Culture”
Association of Legal Administrators Orange County Chapter, Santa Ana, February 2017: “New Metrics for the New Normal”
Legal Lean Sigma Institute, Wash DC, February 2017: “Yellow Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
Ark Group and Legal Lean Sigma Institute, Chicago, November 2016: “White Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
Association of Legal Administrators Regional Conference, Indianapolis, October 2016: “Real Talk: Challenges & Opportunities in Implementing Legal Project Management”
Legal Marketing Association, New England Chapter, Boston, October 2016: “More on Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Association of Legal Administrators Regional Conference, Phoenix, October 2016: “Real Talk: Challenges & Opportunities in Implementing Legal Project Management”
Legal Marketing Association, Virginias Chapter, Richmond, September 2016: “More on Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
College of Law Practice Management, Futures Conference, Kansas City, September 2016: Presenting the 2016 InnovAction awards
Association of Legal Administrators Regional Conference, Boston, September 2016: “Real Talk: Challenges & Opportunities in Implementing Legal Project Management”
Association of Corporate Counsel, Central Ohio Chapter, Columbus, August 2016: "Legal Lean Sigma Institute White Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
Suffolk Law School and Legal Lean Sigma Institute, Yellow Belt Program, Boston, July 2016: “Project Management and Process Improvement”
Legal Marketing Association, Midwest Chapter, Chicago, July 2016: “P3 Conference Recap”
Association of Law Librarians, Annual Conference, Chicago, July 2016: “Metrics: Redefining and Proving Value”
Legal Marketing Association, Philadelphia Chapter Annual Mini-Conference, Philadelphia, July 2016: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Legal Marketing Association, Midwest chapter, Minneapolis, June 2016: “The Science of Business Development”
Legal Marketing Association, P3 Conference, Chicago, May 2016: “P3 Rewards: Trends in Partner Compensation Redesign”
Ark Group Webinar, May 2016: “Incentivizing the New Normal”
LexisNexis CounselLink User Conference, Scottsdale, May 2016: “New Horizons in the Modern Law Department”
ELD International Global Council Leaders Circle, New York, April 2016: “How Corporate Legal Services Can Gain From Big Data and Analytics”
Legal Marketing Association, Annual Conference, Austin, April 2016: "Legal Lean Sigma Institute Yellow Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
Ackert Advisory Managing Partner Institute, Santa Monica, March 2016: “Connecting Partner Compensation to Client Satisfaction”
Ark Group Mechanics of Law Firm Profitability Conference, San Francisco, March 2016: “Connecting Partner Compensation to Client Satisfaction”
Legal Lean Sigma Institute, Wash DC, March 2016: “Yellow Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
LexisNexis Accelerate Conference, Raleigh-Durham, March 2016: “The Science of Business Development”
Association of Legal Administrators, Annual Managing Partner Luncheon, Las Vegas, February 2016: “Connecting the Dots: Linking Client Satisfaction to Law Firm Profits”
Legal Marketing Association, Southeast Chapter, New Orleans, February 2016: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Suffolk Law School, February 2016: “Connecting the Dots: The Evolution of the Practice of Law”
Association of Legal Administrators, Annual Managing Partner Luncheon, Boston Chapter, February 2016: “Connecting the Dots: Linking Client Satisfaction to Law Firm Profits”
Ackert Advisory Managing Partner Roundtable Webinar, February 2016: “Compensation and Metrics for the New Normal”
Legal Marketing Association, Midwest chapter, Indianapolis, January 2016: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Association of Legal Administrators Webinar, December 2015: “Competitive Advantage: Effective Pricing Strategies”
Legal Marketing Association, Bay Area Chapter, San Francisco, November 2015: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Legal Marketing Association, Southern California Chapter, San Diego, November 2015: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Ark Group and Legal Lean Sigma Institute, Chicago, November 2015: “White Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
Association of Legal Administrators, Business of Law Conference, Las Vegas, October 2015: “New Metrics for a New Normal” and “Pricing for Profit with Project Management and Process Improvement”
Association of Legal Administrators, Business of Law Conference, Atlanta, October 2015: “New Metrics for a New Normal” and “Pricing for Profit with Project Management and Process Improvement”
Buying Legal Council Webinar, October 2015: “Useful Metrics & Benchmarking”
Legal Lean Sigma Institute, Yellow Belt Program, Toronto, October 2015: “Project Management and Process Improvement”
Association of Legal Administrators, Business of Law Conference, New Orleans, September 2015: “New Metrics for a New Normal” and “Pricing for Profit with Project Management and Process Improvement”
Association of Legal Administrators, Annual Managing Partner Luncheon, Salt Lake City, September 2015: “Connecting the Dots: Linking Client Satisfaction to Law Firm Profits”
Buying Legal Council, London, September 2015: “Project Management and Process Improvement”
ILTA Annual Conference, Las Vegas, September 2015: “Practice Less Law”
Association of Law Librarians Annual Conference, Philadelphia, July 2015: “Implementing Project Management”
Association of Corporate Counsel, Chicago Chapter, July 2015: “White Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
Legal Lean Sigma Institute, Boston, June 2015: “White Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
Legal Marketing Association, Midwest Chapter, Chicago, June 2015: “Anatomy of a Business Case”
Legal Marketing Association, Los Angeles Chapter, June 2015: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Legal Marketing Association, P3 Conference, Chicago, June 2015: “Process Mapping Workshop”
Legal Marketing Association, Southeast Chapter, Charlotte, May 2015: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference, Legal Lean Sigma White Belt Certification Pre-Conference Workshop, San Diego, April 2015: “Connecting the Dots: Making the Economic Case for Efficiency”
State Capitol Group Annual Conference, Miami, March 2015: “Accelerate Profits and Reduce Risk: New Tools for Law Firm Success”
Suffolk Law School, March 2015: “Connecting the Dots: The Evolution of the Practice of Law”
Legal Marketing Association, Northwest Chapter, Portland, January 2015: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Legal Marketing Association, Northwest Chapter, Seattle, January 2015: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Association of Legal Administrators, Minnesota chapter, Minneapolis, February 2015: “Connecting the Dots: Linking Client Satisfaction to Law Firm Profits” and “Implementing Project Management & Process Improvement”
Ark Group and Legal Lean Sigma Institute, San Francisco, February 2015: “White Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
Association of Legal Administrators, Western Michigan Chapter, Grand Rapids, January 2015: “Connecting the Dots: Linking Client Satisfaction to Law Firm Profits”
Legal Marketing Association, Midwest Chapter, St. Louis, January 2015: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Legal Marketing Association, Metro New York Chapter, November 2014: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Legal Marketing Association, Minnesota Chapter, CMO SIG, November 2014: “Trends in Law Firm Marketing and Management”
Legal Marketing Association, Minnesota chapter, Minneapolis, November 2014: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Ark Group and Legal Lean Sigma Institute, Chicago, November 2014: “White Belt Certification Course in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management”
Legal Marketing Association, Ohio Chapter, Cleveland, October 2014: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”and moderator, Managing Partner panel
College of Law Practice Management, Futures Conference, Boston, October 2014: Presenting the 2014 InnovAction awards
Legal Marketing Association, Southeast Chapter Regional Conference, Nashville, October 2014: “What You Need to Know Now About P3 – Pricing, Process Innovation and Project Management” and “Trends in Legal Marketing and Repositioning for Success”
Ark Group and Legal Lean Sigma Institute, White Belt Program, Washington, DC, October 2014: “Project Management and Process Improvement”
Association of Legal Administrators, Business of Law Conference, Philadelphia, PA, September 2014: “Connecting the Dots: Linking Client Satisfaction to Law Firm Profits”
Association of Legal Administrators, Business of Law Conference, Fort Worth, TX, September 2014: “Connecting the Dots: Linking Client Satisfaction to Law Firm Profits”
International Lawyers Network, European regional conference, Oslo, Norway, September 2014: “Trends in Law Firm Management”
Legal Marketing Association, New England chapter, Boston, September 2014: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Legal Marketing Association, Birmingham city group, September 2014: “The Law Firm of the Future”
Legal Marketing Association, Kansas City group, September 2014: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Legal Marketing Association, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Denver, September 2014: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Association of Legal Administrators, Business of Law Conference, Chicago, IL, September 2014: “Connecting the Dots: Linking Client Satisfaction to Law Firm Profits”
Association of Legal Administrators, Business of Law Conference, Portland, OR, September 2014: “Connecting the Dots: Linking Client Satisfaction to Law Firm Profits”
Legal Marketing Association, Atlanta city group, August 2014: “The Evolution of Law Firm Finance”
ILTA Annual Conference, Nashville, August 2014: “Using Big Data to Measure the ROI of Marketing and Business Development” and Marketing Roundtable
Legal Marketing Association, Kentucky city group, Lexington, KY: August 2014: “Introduction to Legal Project Management”
Legal Marketing Association, Chicago city group, July 2014: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Legal Marketing Association, Indianapolis city group, July 2014: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Legal Marketing Association, Milwaukee city group, July 2014: “Measuring the ROI of Marketing and Business Development”
Legal Marketing Association, Virginias chapter, Richmond, June 2014: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Legal Marketing Association, New Jersey city group, June 2014: “Recap of the 2014 LMA Annual Conference”
Legal Marketing Association, P3 Conference, Chicago, June 2014: “The Anatomy of a Business Case: Integrating P3 Discipline into Law Firm Business Strategy”
Pennsylvania Bar Technology Law Institute, Philadelphia, June 2014: “Understanding Alternate Fee Agreements and Billing”
Ark Conferences, New York, May 2014: Legal Lean Sigma White Belt course
Legal Marketing Association, Philadelphia Chapter, May 2014: “An Evening with Legal Marketing All-Stars”
George Washington University, Master in Professional Studies & Certificate of Law Firm Management Program, Washington, DC, May 2014: “Connecting the Dots: Strategies for Thriving in the New Normal”
Managing Partner Forum Leadership Conference, Atlanta, May 2014: “Turning Adversity into Advantage”
Ackert Advisors Marketing Partner Roundtable, Santa Monica, April 2014: “Connecting the Dots: Strategies for Thriving in the New Normal”
Legal Marketing Association, Annual Conference, Orlando, April 2014: “Keeping Pace: How LMA stays relevant in an ever-evolving legal marketplace”
Legal Marketing Association, Southwest chapter, Phoenix, March 2014: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
Legal Lean Sigma Institute, White Belt Certification Program, Boston, February 2014: “Connecting the Dots: Thriving in the New Normal”
McCormick Group Webinar, February 2014: “Building a Project Management Team: Putting All the Pieces Together”
TyMetrix Annual Meeting, Foxwoods Casino, CT, February 2014: “Decoding the New Normal”
Legal Tech, New York, February 2014: “Defining Your Competitive Advantage”
Legal Marketing Association, Metro New York chapter, Business Development SIG, December 2013: “How to Make a Partner Stand Out”
Legal Marketing Association, Metro New York chapter, CMO SIG, New York, November 2013: “The Evolving Role of CMOs and LMA”
Delaware Valley Law Firm Marketing Group, Philadelphia, November 2013: “Measuring the ROI of Marketing and Business Development”
Clients First Consulting Webinar, November 2013: “ROI: Reality or Illusion”
Thomson Reuters business development seminar series, Boston, October 2013: “Using Big Data to Gain a Competitive Edge”
Thomson Reuters business development seminar series, New York, October 2013: “Using Big Data to Gain a Competitive Edge”
Association of Legal Administrators, Region 6 Annual Conference, Reno, NV, October 2013: “Doing More With Less” and “Client Matter Budgeting and Relationship Management”
Legal Marketing Association, Capital Chapter, Washington DC, October 2013: “Measuring ROI using Big Data (you already have!)”
College of Law Practice Management, Futures Conference, Chicago, October 2013: Presenting the 2013 InnovAction awards
Legal Marketing Association, P3 Conference, Chicago, October 2013: “Show Me the Practice Innovation” and “Bringing Legal Marketers Into the Pricing Tent”
Legal Marketing Association, “Big Ideas Brought to Life” CME Conference, Los Angeles Chapter, September 2013: “Trending Now: Legal Project Management”
TyMetrix LegalView Forum, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, September 2013: “Negotiation Strategies for Corporations & Law Firms”
ILTA Webinar, August 2013: “Metrics & Marketing: Tools & Techniques for Measuring ROI”
Legal Marketing Association, North Carolina Triad City Group, Greensboro, NC, August 2013: “Demystifying Law Firm Finance”
TyMetrix LegalVIEW Forum, Chicago, July 2013: “Sourcing Legal Providers in a Changing Business Environment”
Momentum Consulting Loyalty for Law Firms conference, New York, July 2013: “Ideas into Action”
Legal Marketing Association, Chicago Chapter, June 2013: “Measuring the ROI of Business Development – Even if it’s Possible, Does Anyone Care?”
Legal Marketing Association, St. Louis, June 2013: “Measuring the ROI of Business Development – Even if it’s Possible, Does Anyone Care?”
McCormick Group Webinar, June 2013: “Building a Legal Project Management Team, Recruiting the Right People”
Legal Marketing Association, Indianapolis, June 2013: “Measuring the ROI of Business Development – Even if it’s Possible, Does Anyone Care?”
Legal Marketing Association, Tampa City Group, June 2013: “Measuring the ROI of Business Development – Even if it’s Possible, Does Anyone Care?”
TyMetrix LegalVIEW Forum, Washington, DC, May 2013: “Improving Certainty of Budgeting & Forecasting”
Law Firm Alliance Group, Annual Meeting, San Diego, May 2013: “Implementing Legal Project Management”
Integrated Management Services Information Management Revolution conference, New York, April 2013: “Looking Forward: the Evolution of Information Management”
Legal Lean Sigma Institute, White Belt Program, Boston, MA, April 2013: “Project Management and Process Improvement”
Ark Group Business Intelligence and Analytics in the Legal Profession conference, New York, April 2013: “How Corporate Legal Departments Are Using Analytics to Measure the Value of the Products and Services they Buy” and “What are you trying to measure? And why?”
New York State Bar Association Marketing Conference, New York, March 2013: “10 Things I’d Do Differently If I Were Running a Law Firm”
WJF Institute Open Forum, Austin, TX, March 2013: “The Role of Legal Project Management in Client Teams”
TyMetrix LegalVIEW Forum, New York, February 2013: “Emerging Trends in Buying Legal Services”
Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), Chicago Chapter, January 2013: “The Process Improvement and Project Management Equation: VoC + PI + PM = Everyone Wins”
International Lawyers Network Webinar, December 2012: “Understanding Legal Process Outsourcing”
Meritas Webinar, December 2012: “Implementing Legal Project Management”
International Lawyers Network Webinar, November 2012: “Understanding Alternative Fee Arrangements”
International Lawyers Network, Americas regional conference, Panama City, November 2012: “Adapting to the New Normal”
Meritas Webinar, November 2012: “Improving Profits through Legal Project Management”
PSMG Annual Conference, London, November 2012: “Social Media in the Professions: Is there an APPetite for the Digital Revolution – keynote address”
International Lawyers Network Webinar, October 2012: “Understanding Legal Project Management,”
College of Law Practice Management, Futures Conference, Washington DC, October 2012: Presenting the 2012 InnovAction Awards
Legal Marketing Association, Northeast Regional Conference, Boston, October 2012: “Measuring the ROI of Business Development and Marketing: Even if it’s Possible, Does Anyone Care?” and moderator, Managing Partner panel
Legal Marketing Association, Southeast Regional Conference, New Orleans, September 2012: “Understanding Legal Project Management”
Legal Marketing Association, New Jersey City Group meeting, May 2012: “Annual Conference Recap”
Manzama Luncheon Briefing, Boston, March 2012: “Social Media for Marketing, Business Development & Competitive Intelligence”
Manzama Luncheon Briefing, Washington, DC, March 2012: “Social Media for Marketing, Business Development & Competitive Intelligence”
American Lawyer & Manzama Dinner Briefing, Chicago, February 2012: “Social Media for Marketing, Business Development & Competitive Intelligence”
Manzama Luncheon Briefing, Minneapolis, February 2012: “Social Media for Marketing, Business Development & Competitive Intelligence”
Marketing Partner Forum, Fort Lauderdale, FL, January 2012: “The Evolving Roles of the Managing Partner and Marketing Partner”
College of Law Practice Management, Futures Conference, Chicago, October 2011: “Law Factories vs. ‘Bet the Farm’ Firms”
Legal Marketing Association, Midwest Conference, Chicago, September 2011: “Measuring the ROI of Business Development and Marketing: Even if it’s Possible, Does Anyone Care?”
ILTA Annual Conference, Nashville, August 2011: “Successful IT Management in Small and Mid-Sized Firms: Learning from the Practices of AmLaw 100 CIOs”
ILTA Annual Conference, Nashville, August 2011: “Breaking Strategic Groups out of IT”
Legal Marketing Association, Atlanta City Group, August 2011: “Legal Project Management”
Hubbard One Briefing, London, June 2011: “Legal Marketing: The Shape of Things to Come”
Legal Marketing Association, Columbus Chapter, May 2011: “Legal Project Management: Fad or Fantasy?”
Lex Mundi In-House Legal Podcast, May 2011: Offshore Outsourcing of Document Reviews
Legal Marketing Association, Cleveland Chapter, May 2011: “Legal Project Management: Fad or Fantasy?”
Meritas Annual Conference, Montreal, May 2011: “Legal Project Management Defined”
Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference, Orlando, April 2011: “Improving Relationships with Vendors”
Legal Week “Audience with…” Series, London, March 2011: “An Audience with IT Directors; the future of Law Firm IT”
Professional Services Marketing Group (PSMG) Breakfast Briefing, London, March 2011: “The Client-Centric Marketer”
Catapult Growth Partners webinar, March 2011: “2011 AmLaw 200 CMO Survey”
Legal Marketing Association, Minneapolis Chapter, March 2011: “Sales Strategies for Law Firms in the Next Decade.”
Marketing Partner Forum, Scottsdale, Arizona, January 2011: “Industry-Focused Sales & Marketing: Strategies for Success” and “Process Improvement and Project Management: Best Practices for Delivering Consistency and Results.”
Association of Legal Administrators, Region 1 Conference, Long Branch, NJ, October 2010: “The Role of Administrators in Addressing the ACC Value Challenge”
College of Law Practice Management Futures Conference & Symposium, Washington, DC, October 2010: “Social Media: the Ultimate Business Development Tool or a Huge Waste of Time?”
Hubbard One 6th Annual Innovation Forum, Greensboro, GA, October 2010: Event host
Professional Services Marketing Group (PSMG) 15th Annual National Conference, London, UK, October 2010: “Question Time Debate: Ask the Experts”
Chilli IQ 2nd Annual Global Managing Partners Summit, London, UK, September 2010: “Law Firm Evolution and the New Path to Profitability: Best Practices for Legal Project Management”
Lex Mundi In-House Legal Podcast, July 2010: Where To Be Sued and Not Be Sued: Surviving Litigation
Lex Mundi Managing Partner Roundtable, New York, NY, June 2010: “Maximizing Alternative Fees”
Lex Mundi Advanced Leadership and Management Roundtable, Caribbean Region, Port of Spain, Trinidad, June 2010: “Legal Project Management Workshop”
Legal Marketing Association Webinar, June 2010: “Attorney Speak: How to Present Ideas and Win Approval”
Lex Mundi In-House Legal Podcast, June 2010: Learning to Cope With the New Wave of Employment Regulations
Lex Mundi In-House Legal Podcast, May 2010: To Sue or Not to Sue: a Litigation Framework for In-house Counsel
Lex Mundi In-House Legal Podcast, April 2010: The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and more: What In-House Counsel Need to Know
Altman Weil Webinar, March 2010: “Legal Project Management”
Intellectual Property Owners Association, March 2010: “How to Make an Alternative Fee Bid for Patent Litigation Work: the Essentials for Law Firm Attorneys”
Lex Mundi In-House Legal Podcast, February 2010: Keeping Your House Clean: Compliance and Internal Investigations
Philadelphia Bar Association Leadership Retreat, Atlantic City, January 2010: “Legal Transformation”
Legal Marketers Roundtable, Chicago, January 2010: “Changes to BigLaw 2009 and Beyond”
Legal Marketing Association, Nashville Chapter, January 2010 : “Developing Your Personal Brand”
Lex Mundi Latin America regional meeting, Mexico City, December 2009: “Marketing in a Downturn”
Legal Marketing Association, New York Chapter, November 2009: “Attorney Speak: How to Present Ideas and Win Approval”
BlackBerry and Verizon Wireless customer event, New York, November 2009: “Selling to Law Firms in a Changing Marketplace”
Association of Legal Administrators, Cincinnati, November 2009: “Marketing in a Downturn”
Lex Mundi Marketing conference, Houston, November 2009: “Marketing in a Downturn”
Pro Bono Counsel annual meeting, Philadelphia, October 2009: “Legal Market Changes and Pro Bono”
Center for Competitive Management Webinar, October 2009: “Landing New Business: The ABCs of Making a Sale”
Altman Weil Workshop, New York, October 2009: “Practice Group Strategies”
College of Law Practice Management Annual Meeting, Denver, September 2009: “Legal Transformation”
Allen & Overy Business of Law Symposium, London, September 2009: “Legal Workforce of the Future”
ILTA Annual Conference, Washington, DC, August 2009: “Benchmarking in a Changing Economy,” Improving Operational Excellence” and “The ACC Value Initiative and Impact on Technologists”
Altman Weil webinar, August 2009: “Bottom Line Marketing: 2009 and Beyond”
Legal Sales & Service Organization, Raindance Conference, Chicago, July 2009: “Developing a Sales Culture”
Altman Weil Webinar, July 2009: “Developing a Thriving Practice Group”
Philadelphia Area Defense Counsel, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, June 2009: “Managing Your Practice, from Marketing to Collections, in the Current Economy”
LegalEase/Cole Valley Software Webinar, May 2009: “Business Development in a Down Economy”
Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, April 2009: “Managing Directories, Lists & Rankings”
Law Firm Chief Marketing Officers’ Forum, New York, Sep 2008: “How to Get Client Feedback”
Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference, Los Angeles, March 2008: “Marketing to Marketers”
Legal Marketing Association, New York Chapter, New York, January 2008: “Raising the Business Development Bar: Multiple Models and Strategies for Success”
National Association for Shareholder & Class Action Attorneys, Cabo San Lucas, April 2007: “Observation on Recent Changes in Class Action Litigation”
Center for International Legal Studies, Valle Nevado, Chile, August 2006: “Lawyering in an International Market: Business Development, Marketing and Public Relations”
Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference, Chicago, March 2006: “Developing Reality Based Marketing Initiatives: What’s Important to Corporate Counsel”
Latham & Watkins Business Development Retreat, New York, January 2006: “How Corporations Identify, Evaluate and Select Outside Counsel”
Law Firm Chief Marketing Officer Conference, New York, December 2005: “Market Research and Competitive Intelligence: Developing an Informed Strategy”
Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Annual Conference, New York, November 2005: “Diversity: The Success Story of One Smaller Firm and One Very Large Corporation”
Legal Marketing Association, Midwest Region Conference, Chicago, September 2005: “What Law Firms Can Do To Manage the Customer Experience”
Martindale-Hubbell Counsel to Counsel Superforum, Chicago, IL, March 2005: “The Great Debate: What Makes a Winning Relationship”
Legal Tech, New York, NY, January 2005: “Everyone’s a Rainmaker. Use What You Have to Better Serve and Attract Clients”
Center for International Legal Studies, Liabilities for Lawyers in Cross-Border Transactions and Disputes, Kitzbühel, Austria, January 2005: “Tools & Tactics for Supporting Your Business Development Efforts”
Northstar Law Firm Chief Marketing Officers’ Forum, Washington, DC, December 2004: “General Counsel: How their Demands are Changing and How to Prepare”
Martindale-Hubbell Competitive Intelligence Summit, Miami, FL, Nov 2004: “What Partners Want”
Terralex Annual Conference, Boston, MA, October 2004: “Legal Marketing Now: an International Perspective” and “Client Feedback: Preferences From Around the World”
Martindale-Hubbell Counsel to Counsel Superforum, Washington, DC, October 2004: “The Great Debate: Best Practices in Managing the Inside/Outside Counsel Relationship”
Association of Legal Administrators Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, May 2004: “What’s on the Web: Tips and Techniques to Make your Firm Stand Out”
Marketing Partner Forum, Orlando, FL, January, 2004: “Competitive Intelligence in Law Firms” and“Creating a Key Account Sales Force” and “Trends in the Global Legal Landscape”
Legal Marketing Association, Senior Roundtable, New York, NY, October 2003: “Law Firm Competitive Intelligence” and “Measuring ROI of Law Firm Marketing”
Marketing Director Institute, Philadelphia, PA, October 2003: “Selling in Law Firms”
Legal Marketing Association, San Francisco, CA, March 2003: “Back to the Future: How Technology Is Going to Help Marketing in Five Years”
Marketing Partner Forum, Laguna Niguel, CA, January 2003: “Taking the Legal Profession’s Marketing Pulse: Benchmarking the Marketing Effort Today” and “Measuring Impact and ROI: How to Justify Your Marketing Budget in an Uncertain Economy”
Cutting Edge Business Development Conference, New York, NY, November 2002: “Building Relationships with Clients”
Marketing Director Institute, Denver, CO, October 2002: “Financials and Fee Arrangements – Developing Bottom-line Strategies by the Numbers”
Law Firm Executive Director and CFO Conference, New York, NY, October, 2002: “Resource Management: Today’s Environment, New Ways of Looking at Marketing ROI”
Zeughauser Group CMO Roundtable, Chicago, IL, July 2002: “International Corporate Counsel Buying Habits”
Corporate Legal Times Superconference, Chicago, IL, June, 2002: “Technology Workshop: Proving the Return on Your Technology Investment”
Association of Legal Administrators Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, May 2002: “50 Marketing Tips in 50 Minutes”
Marketing Partner Forum, Naples, FL, January 2002: “Setting the Scene: Legal Marketing Benchmarks”
Marketing Director Institute, New Orleans, LA, October 2001: “Gathering and Using Competitive Marketing Intelligence” and “To Buy or Not to Buy: Selecting the Right Media to Deliver Your Message”
Marketing Partner Forum, Phoenix, AZ, January 2001: “Marketing Benchmarks”
LegalWorks Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 1998: “Client Development on the Internet”
Association of Legal Administrators, Pittsburgh Chapter, September 1995: "Using the Internet for Communications, Marketing, and Research"
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Pittsburgh Chapter, March 1994: "Online tools for research"
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