Social Media in the Professions - Is there an APPetite for the digital revolution?
/I'm pleased to announce that I have accepted an invitation to serve as chair of the upcoming PSMG annual conference to be held in London on 14 November 2012. This year's theme is "Social Media in the Professions - Is there an APPetite for the digital revolution?" There are numerous substantive and informative sessions in the plans, as well as a compelling keynote presentation by Clare Adshead-Grant, managing partner of Calista, one of the leading digital marketing and business development consultancies in the professional services sector.
The Professional Services Marketing Group is for those with an interest in marketing within professional services organizations, including practitioners, recognized consultants, suppliers and those who have an interest in this sector. PSMG is a UK-based organisation with active groups in key commercial centers in the UK and international links in North America, Canada, Europe, Australasia and the Middle East. Its members come from various professions, including law, accountancy, real estate, banking, architecture, actuarial, insurance, management consultancy, marketing communications, engineering and construction as well as those with an interest in professional services marketing.
Book your tickets now and join me in London in November!